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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Film : K-Drama - The Moon That Embraces The Sun

  • Title: 해를 품은 달 / Haereul Poomeun Dal
  • Also known as: The Moon Embracing the Sun / The Sun and the Moon
  • Genre: Romance, fantasy, period
  • Episodes: 20
  • Broadcast network: MBC
  • Broadcast period: 2012-Jan-04 to 2012-Mar-15 
Cast :
Synopsis :
The story of the secret love between Lee Hwon, a fictional king of Joseon, and Wol, a female shaman. Wol was born as Heo Yeon Woo, the daughter of a noble family who won the love of the crown prince, Hwon. Her enemies, jealous of her family's position in court, schemed against her and wrestled away her rightful place as crown princess and nearly takes her life. Years later, an embittered Hwon meets Wol, now a female shaman who has no recollection of her past.

Based on the novel 해를 품은 달 (The Moon That Embraces the Sun) by Jung Eun Gwol (first published December 29, 2005), who is also the author of the novel that Sungkyunkwan Scandal was based on.

  A “court romance” drama which is set in a royal palace during the rule of a fictional king. The story centers around 23-year-old king Lee Hwon and his first lover whom he is ready to give all his life. It is a story of innocent love among young people of a different era. Their sad but beautiful love story. Their pure royal romance shrouded in gloom. Love of different colors... The drama also talks about right-positioning. Every element should be set in its proper place. Just how it is dangerous for the solar system if the sun and the moon were to swerve off course, the whole world can be dangerous when things stray from their original path. This is the political ideology of King Lee Hwon.


Moon containing the sun, Yeon-woo (Actress Han Ga-in)
Hur Young-jae’s daughter. Yeom’s sister. Hwon’s first love. She is like the clear sky after a rain shower. She is smart and bright. By chance, she became a palace servant and meets Hwon who is still a prince. She becomes Hwon’s special friend, and he chooses to make her his crown princess. But she becomes stricken with a mysterious illness just days before her royal wedding ceremony and taken to her home (私家) in her last remaining days. She closes her eyes in her father’s arms. Eight years later, she wakes up to find herself as a Munyeo (female shaman) and has no recollection of her past...

Sun reaching for the moon – Lee Hwon (Actor Kim Soo-hyeon-I)
Prince Hwon. Handsome and smart. Overly confident. Used to be a troublemaker but takes an interest in scholarship with Yeom’s help. He learns subjects that are fit for a king. He experiences love for the first time when he meets Yeon-woo, who also shows him the world outside the palace. But Yeon-woo suddenly falls ill and dies. So he reluctantly chooses Bo-gyeong to be his royal concubine. From then on, he matures into a king with an edgy personality. Cynical and aloof, King Hwon hardly ever smiles. He stays away from young concubines-in-waiting and even his own royal consort. Instead, he sneaks out of the palace to see the city. And one day, he meets a female shaman called Weol, who looks uncannily like Yeon-woo. This encounter makes him suspicion about the circumstances surrounding Yeon-woo’s death eight years ago. So he begins to investigate the matter.

Overshadowed by the sun – Yang Myeong-gun (Actor Jeong Il-woo)
Born between the former king and concubine Park Hee-bin. As a prince, he is first in line to ascend the throne! He acts as if he does not care about anything while enjoying wine and food. He is a free spirit, but no one knows how hard he works to be entirely free from his destiny. He grew up in the shadow of Hwon and his father, the viceroy, also shunned him. He found solace in the home of a Heungmungwan Daejaehak scholar. And he also met Yeon-woo at this scholar’s home and developed a crush on her. But when she is chosen to be Hwon’s crown princess and dies soon after, he becomes overcome with sadness. Eight years later, he is entangled in a dynastic struggle against Hwon.

Flaming flower with wilting petals – Hur Yeom (Actor Song Jae-hee)
Eu-bin (King’s son-in-law). High-ranking official and scholar (Yurokdaebu Yangcheonwi). Yeon-woo’s brother and Hwon’s teacher. All the female students swoon when he passes by because of his handsome looks. He is an unparalleled genius who also has human flaws. He is old-fashioned, dogmatic and emotionless. He is eccentric to a fault. He has a close friendship with Hwon who he mentored and later, when Hwon becomes the king, he becomes his loyal subject. After his sister Yeon-woo dies, he is ridden with guilt for introducing Yeon-woo to Hwon, because he thinks this led to her death.

Reaching for what is unattainable – Yoon Bo-gyeong (Actress Kim Min-seo)
Hwon’s queen consort. Daughter of Yoon Dae-hyun. With a ladylike demeanor, she has a nice and warm personality on the surface. Most people in the palace are on her side. Despite the fact that Hwon showed no affection towards her when she was pregnant with their first-born, she harbors no ill feelings towards him. She merely smiles in front of King Hwon without displaying a hint of any hurt feelings. This is the image that she has carefully and painstakingly cultivated. As she is a crafty person who pulls all the strings behind the scenes, consolidating her power by influencing the royal court, winning over the king’s allies, and basking in the adoration of those who serve her. When Yeon-woo dies, her wish to become Hwon’s consort comes true. All along she thought Lady Luck was on her side. That is, until Weol appeares...

source :
DramaWiki -The Moon That Embraces the Sun
Hancinema - The Sun and the Moon

My comment :
Cerita :
Fiksi dengan latar jaman kerajaan.  Jadi banyak intrik-intrik perebutan kekuasaan, kudeta, dan sarat dengan KKN (Korupsi - Kolusi - Nepotisme).  Kalau tidak suka dg intrik-intrik ini, boleh di FF.  Satu hal lagi yg bikin saya kurang sreg adalah banyak ilmu hitam dan perdukunan.  Memang tak bisa dipungkiri yg namanya kerajaan jaman dulu tidak lepas dari sihir, mantra, guna-guna, santet, paranormal dsb.  Kalau tidak suka, boleh di FF20X he he he ...  Untuk romance-nya OK banget nih serial, walaupun gaya romance-nya sopan dan tidak menggebu seperti drama modern. Overall, hanya fiksi bukan drama sejarah, jadi nontonnya gak usah serius-serius lah. Enjoy aja.  Saya nonton drama ini lancar aja ... pakai jurus FF utk intrik kerajaan dan sihir2.

Pemeran :
Waktu pertama kali nonton Kim So Hyun di Dream High 1 sebagai Sam Dong, saya biasa saja lho. Tapi Kim So Hyun di Sun Moon ini sebagai Raja Lew Hwon keren banget.  Enak nontonnya, pintar, berwibawa, tp lucu dan manusiawi, jadi raja yg asik.  Chemistry dg Han Ga In bagus.  Terus yg juga OK adalah Jung Il Woo, seperti biasa, karakternya yg ceria, periang dan lucu.  Sayang perannya sebagai second lead, jd yg ngefans sama Jung Il Woo banyak kecewa lah secara porsinya tidak sebanyak Kim So Hyun.  Aktor dan aktris remaja juga keren-keren.

Ending : Happy
Rating : 7/10



Veny said...

lg ntn serial ini tapi ga maju2 , tiap kali ntn ketiduran mulu , g gak suka Vie , lemot rasanya .
meski pertama2 dgr bny org g menggebu2 pgn liat , sampe srh Naz buruan copy in ha22
skrg masih stuck di epi 10 aja , susah majunya
g suka karakter KSH sbg raja , juga JIW tapi ga suka sama HGI . ga enak diliat he2

v1olet said...

gw jg pakai jurus FF utk intrik2 kerajaan dan shamanism-nya. cuma mau nonton romance-nya aja he he he.

yg ok tuh ep 17 dan 20.

iya HGI tipe-nya kurang ceria, soalnya kan jadi anak angkat paranormal. lagian lupa ingatan.

gw malah suka sama aktor dan aktris remaja. pada bagus aktingnya.

Veny said...

nah itu dia , g jg suka banget sama akting remaja2nya . g demen bgt liat Prince Le Hwon mudanya , udah brp kali liat dia maen di serial . cakep tuh abg . hi222

Dina said...

Yang penting ada Siwan-nya Ze:a :p
Bagus ya ci? Br ngintip2 doang... Eh, ada Siwan...
Rada males sih nonton sageuk. Siwannya muncul di berapa episode? :p

v1olet said...

@veny : Prince Le Hwon muda mukanya rada aneh pas pertama dilihat, tapi lama-lama OK juga he he he ...

@dina : Siwan sih dari awal penampakannya memang paling bersinar dari 4 cowo remaja itu. Di beberapa scene, dia dikasih sinar2 kalau princess Min Hwa or cewe2 naksir terpesona. Munculnya di episode awal gitu, ep 1 - 5. Personally, serial ini tdk rekomended krn ada shamanism-nya. aku selalu pegang remote utk tekan tombol FF, tiap muncul adegan tenung dan sihir itu.