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Monday, April 30, 2012

Food : Nasi Campur Kacamata

Nasi Campur Kacamata
Pesanggrahan, Kebon Jeruk,  Jakarta Barat

Non Halal

Waktu saya lihat Nasi Campur Kacamata di Pesanggrahan baru dibuka, saya ajak teman saya untuk makan di sana.  Hari Minggu, pulang berhimpun, langsung ke sana.

Kalau ditanya soal Nasi Campur Kacamata ini, terus terang rekomendasinya fifty-fifty.  Sebagian teman-teman saya suka banget, tapi banyak juga yg tidak suka.  Saya sendiri pernah makan, tapi tidak makan Nasi Campurnya, melainkan makan Nasi Hainam plus ayam rebus.

Nah sekarang ke sini lagi.  Kita makan berlima, 4 pesan nasi campur, dan saya seperti biasa, Nasi Hainam plus ayam rebus.

Nasi Campur Special plus Nasi Hainam dihidangkan dengan kuah sayur asin.  Seingat saya, dulu kuah ini pakai darah.  Karena kita berlima bukan pemakan darah, jadi sudah kita wanti-wanti, supaya dikasih yg non darah.  Tapi ternyata memang outlet yg ini, semuanya bebas darah. Oya, perbedaan Nasi Campur dan Nasi Campur Special adalah pada ukurannya, yg special porsinya lebih besar.  Isi dan jenisnya sih sama.  Yg istimewa adalah babi panggang madu, yg rasanya manis.

Nasi Hainam plus Ayam Rebus, dihidangkan dengan kuah sayur asin juga.  Menurut saya Nasi Hainam maupun Ayam Rebusnya kering, kurang rasa, kurang wangi, dan hambar-hambar saja.  Kalau mau ada rasa kudu kasih cabai dan kecap asin.   Mustinya nasi hainam tuh ada rasa asin, gurih, wangi, pulen dan lembut.  Ayam rebusnya juga bener-bener ayam direbus tanpa bumbu, seperti makan ampas.  Wah ... saya kurang cocok nih.  Kalau di foto sih tampaknya OK, bukan?

Pilihan minuman lumayan nih, ada banyak pilihan.  Mulai dari liang teh, markisa, teh tarik, air jeruk, dll.

Bagaimana dengan harganya?  Hmmmm .... tidak murah, bisa dibilang mahal, apalagi di daftar menu tidak dicantumkan harganya, boleh kaget deh begitu lihat bon.

Setelah saya diskusikan dengan teman-teman di kantor saya, mereka pada membanding-bandingkan beraneka versi nasi campur.  Ternyata memang nasi campur gaya Medan seperti Kacamata ini tak bisa dibanding dengan nasi campur versi Putra dan Putri Kenanga, juga tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan nasi campur Kalimantan.  Enggak bakal ketemu, soalnya beda selera. Ibaratnya seperti Apple to Apple -- membandingkan Apel Washington vs Apel Sun Moon vs Apel Malang he he he atau ... Orange to Orange antara Jeruk Medan vs Jeruk Garut vs Jeruk Pontianak he he he ...

Beda lidah, beda selera, enjoy aja


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Flora : Mawar Mungil

Dari segi fotografi, foto mawar kecil ini salah semua ... he he he 
Tapi saya suka backgroundnya :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Film : K-Drama - Dream High Season 2

  • Title: 드림하이 시즌2 / Dream High Season 2
  • Episodes: 16
  • Broadcast network: KBS2
  • Broadcast period: 2012-Jan-30 to 2012-Mar-20
  • Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55
  • Original Soundtrack: Dream High 2 OST


In Season Two, Kirin Arts High School has fallen from its top arts academy status into dire financial straits and is in danger of closing. This season follows a new group of students after the previous group graduated.
The school is taken over by OZ Entertainment Agency, who transfers their own idol stars over to the school to avoid the law that prohibits underage entertainers from performing after 10pm. Competition arises between the troubled students of Kirin and the newly transferred idols from OZ.

Kirin Arts high school was once a prestigious idol-training school. However, the school failed to produce stars past several years. Moreover, after going through excessive campus expansion, it is now in danger to be shut down due to the financial difficulty. The CEO asks Kang Cheolseung, who is called 'Hand of Midas' in entertainment industry, for help. As a solution, Kang Cheolseung proposes to hold an audition offering a billion won to the winner and the guaranteed admission to the participants who pass the preliminary. Many came to see the audition. Pretty boy, Ku Haesung, is here to find his father! Armed with confidence, Jang Boa is ready to take judges' spiteful remarks and achieve her dream as an idol star! Ko Shiwon is more concerned about his outfit than his singing on stage. He seems vain but actually innocent inside. Shin Nara came for an audition blinded by her love for Shiwon. Later, she discovers her talent as a singer. Let's go on a rough journey to the miracle with these guys!


Main Cast
  • Kim Soo Hyun as Himself (ep 1)
  • IU as Kim Pil Sook (ep 1)
  • Toxic (톡식) as band performing with Yoo Jin in Hongdae (ep 1)
  • MYNAME as OZ Entertainment Agency's idol group (ep 2)
  • PSY (싸이) as trainer coach (ep 5)
  • Ye Eun ((예은)) as Herself (ep 9)
  • miss A as Themselves (ep 15)
Kirin's Teachers
Kirin's Students

source :

DramaWiki - Dream High 2
Hancinema - Dream High 2

My comment :
Cerita :
Drama musikal tentang remaja yg bersekolah di Kirin Art School.  Kalau sudah nonton Dream High 1, mesti nonton Dream High 2 dong ya ...  Drama remaja dan musikal pula, sudah barang tentu ceritanya ringan.  Yg saya suka dari drama ini adalah lagu-lagunya, enak-enak, bagus-bagus, nontonnya ringan dan enteng, enjoy banget.  Tentu saja ada intrik-intrik persaingan remaja dalam drama ini, persaingan prestasi maupun asmara.  Tapi semua masih dalam taraf wajar, tidak ada tokoh yg jahat ... normal dan natural.  Ada komedi, ada saat-saat terharu, tapi tidak sampai bikin nangis bombay.  Waktu nonton serial ini, saya tidak punya ekspektasi banyak, yg penting terhibur menontonnya.

Cast :
Orang-orang bilang castingnya gak bagus, aktingnya payah.  Tapi saya sih OK saja dengan casting ini.  Memang aktingnya pas-pasan, tapi film remaja memang hampir semuanya begini, apalagi mereka para pendatang baru di dunia drama.  Maklumlah ... tapi semuanya cukup menghibur kok.

Romance : karena di sekolah itu ceritanya gak boleh pacaran, maka pacarannya sembunyi-sembunyi. Pacaran ala ABG he he he ...

Ending : Happy

Rating : 7/10

Recommended untuk yg suka drama musikal, drama remaja, dan drama anak sekolahan.  Untuk penggemar drama dewasa yg banyak romance dan serius, lewatin dulu aja ya ....


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Food : Bakerzin - a piece of cake to die for

Biarpun kenyang, selalu ada "tempat" untuk dessert ...
Apalagi yg yummy seperti ini ...

Untuk yg doyan chocolate, cake ini oke loh ... sorry lupa namanya, soale rada susah ...
Ada satu buah macaroons warna ungu untuk hiasan yg menggoda untuk digigit ...

Untuk yg suka cheese, boleh comot New Yorker (Strawberry) Cheese Cake.  Cheese cakenya tidak terlalu manis, tapi selai strawberrynya manis.  Dipadu rasanya jadi pas.

Dessert itu enak dilihat, enak dimakan, tapi untuk memotretnya ... hmmmm ... ternyata sulit "ditundukkan" soalnya selama motret cannot tahan kepengen colek sana, colek sini, he he he ...


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Food : Hakata Ikkousha

Hakata Ikkousha Ramen
Jl. Muara Karang Raya 85, Jkt Utara
T/  021-66600255
7 April 2012

Non Halal, tapi nikmehhhh ....

Sudah lama ingin cobain ramen ini yg katanya die-die-must-try, akhirnya kesampean juga.  Pada hari Sabtu yg cerah saya dan seorang teman sampai di TKP.  Sekilas seperti tempat praktek dokter, soalnya tempatnya kecil, tapi ramai dengan orang yg lagi nunggu, ada yg duduk, ada yg berdiri.  Kita musti daftar dulu sama mbak yg berseragam. Ada poster dengan gambar mangkuk2 ramen, dengan slogan "Semangat Semangkuk".  Buset deh ... memang benar kalau makan di sini harus punya semangat mengantri demi semangkuk ramen, he he he ... soalnya ngantrinya hampir 1 jam.  Ternyata setelah nama kita dipanggil, bukan langsung menuju ke meja makan, tapi tunggu dulu beberapa menit di dalam di dekat kasir.  Ada beberapa kursi, kita bisa duduk di situ sementara meja kita dibersihkan.

Karena saya cuma berdua, ngantrinya enggak "terlalu lama" kalau dibanding yg datang beramai-ramai.  Tempatnya kecil dan padat, suasananya ramai dengan yel-yel koki, waiter, dan waitress, padahal mereka pada pakai earphone.  Walaupun ber-AC tapi uap ramen yg mengepul-ngepul dari dapur dan dari mangkuk ramen di meja-meja bikin ruangan jadi sumpek.  Gak apa-apa deh ... inget "Semangat Semangkuk" he he he ... biarin gerah dikit sampai berkuah yg penting ramennya juara ....

Makanan pembuka, Gyoza .... pilihannya ada gyoza bakar, goreng, kukus ... isinya bisa ayam, bisa babi, dll.

Gyoza Bakar Ayam Rp 25  rb ++
Isinya 6 buah, ukurannya sedang, rasanya enak, cocol di kecap ... yummy!

Ramen Babi Special Rp 38 rb ++
Inilah dia Ramen yg rasanya "juara" yg katanya "The Best in Town" he he he ...
Jangan menghitung kalori, lupakan diet, jangan pikirin kata-kata instruktur fitness dan personal trainer .... sebab isi mangkuk ini semuanya "terlarang tapi nikmat" alias "dangerously delicious".

Kuah kaldu babinya kuning, kental, berminyak ... gurih sekali.  Penggemar kuah kaldu boleh hirup sampai tetes terakhir.  Ramennya matang sempurna, kenyal tapi tidak keras dan tidak lembek.  Irisan daging babinya empuk dan wangi. Ada lemak-lemaknya.  Sayang irisan dagingnya kurang banyak he he he ... Telurnya saya demen banget ... putihnya lembut, kuningnya creamy.  Racik sendiri, mau pedas, tambah cabe iris, cabe bubuk, ada kecap, daun bawang, wijen, dll.  Kenyangnya polll ....

Saya sudah baca banyak rekomendasi dari food blogger lainnya dan saya bertekad .... I'll be back!

Hari Senin-nya waktu saya fitness di FF, saya ketemu sama rekan seperjuangan di FF.  Ternyata hari Sabtu itu dia juga ke Ikkousha dan lihat saya.  Saya lagi seru-serunya makan waktu dia antri giliran.  Kita sepakat harus lebih giat exercise ... supaya bisa sering2 ke Ikkousha, he he he ... ingat, ingat, "Semangat Semangkuk" .... Semangat  Olahraga !


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Film : K-Drama - The Moon That Embraces The Sun

  • Title: 해를 품은 달 / Haereul Poomeun Dal
  • Also known as: The Moon Embracing the Sun / The Sun and the Moon
  • Genre: Romance, fantasy, period
  • Episodes: 20
  • Broadcast network: MBC
  • Broadcast period: 2012-Jan-04 to 2012-Mar-15 
Cast :
Synopsis :
The story of the secret love between Lee Hwon, a fictional king of Joseon, and Wol, a female shaman. Wol was born as Heo Yeon Woo, the daughter of a noble family who won the love of the crown prince, Hwon. Her enemies, jealous of her family's position in court, schemed against her and wrestled away her rightful place as crown princess and nearly takes her life. Years later, an embittered Hwon meets Wol, now a female shaman who has no recollection of her past.

Based on the novel 해를 품은 달 (The Moon That Embraces the Sun) by Jung Eun Gwol (first published December 29, 2005), who is also the author of the novel that Sungkyunkwan Scandal was based on.

  A “court romance” drama which is set in a royal palace during the rule of a fictional king. The story centers around 23-year-old king Lee Hwon and his first lover whom he is ready to give all his life. It is a story of innocent love among young people of a different era. Their sad but beautiful love story. Their pure royal romance shrouded in gloom. Love of different colors... The drama also talks about right-positioning. Every element should be set in its proper place. Just how it is dangerous for the solar system if the sun and the moon were to swerve off course, the whole world can be dangerous when things stray from their original path. This is the political ideology of King Lee Hwon.


Moon containing the sun, Yeon-woo (Actress Han Ga-in)
Hur Young-jae’s daughter. Yeom’s sister. Hwon’s first love. She is like the clear sky after a rain shower. She is smart and bright. By chance, she became a palace servant and meets Hwon who is still a prince. She becomes Hwon’s special friend, and he chooses to make her his crown princess. But she becomes stricken with a mysterious illness just days before her royal wedding ceremony and taken to her home (私家) in her last remaining days. She closes her eyes in her father’s arms. Eight years later, she wakes up to find herself as a Munyeo (female shaman) and has no recollection of her past...

Sun reaching for the moon – Lee Hwon (Actor Kim Soo-hyeon-I)
Prince Hwon. Handsome and smart. Overly confident. Used to be a troublemaker but takes an interest in scholarship with Yeom’s help. He learns subjects that are fit for a king. He experiences love for the first time when he meets Yeon-woo, who also shows him the world outside the palace. But Yeon-woo suddenly falls ill and dies. So he reluctantly chooses Bo-gyeong to be his royal concubine. From then on, he matures into a king with an edgy personality. Cynical and aloof, King Hwon hardly ever smiles. He stays away from young concubines-in-waiting and even his own royal consort. Instead, he sneaks out of the palace to see the city. And one day, he meets a female shaman called Weol, who looks uncannily like Yeon-woo. This encounter makes him suspicion about the circumstances surrounding Yeon-woo’s death eight years ago. So he begins to investigate the matter.

Overshadowed by the sun – Yang Myeong-gun (Actor Jeong Il-woo)
Born between the former king and concubine Park Hee-bin. As a prince, he is first in line to ascend the throne! He acts as if he does not care about anything while enjoying wine and food. He is a free spirit, but no one knows how hard he works to be entirely free from his destiny. He grew up in the shadow of Hwon and his father, the viceroy, also shunned him. He found solace in the home of a Heungmungwan Daejaehak scholar. And he also met Yeon-woo at this scholar’s home and developed a crush on her. But when she is chosen to be Hwon’s crown princess and dies soon after, he becomes overcome with sadness. Eight years later, he is entangled in a dynastic struggle against Hwon.

Flaming flower with wilting petals – Hur Yeom (Actor Song Jae-hee)
Eu-bin (King’s son-in-law). High-ranking official and scholar (Yurokdaebu Yangcheonwi). Yeon-woo’s brother and Hwon’s teacher. All the female students swoon when he passes by because of his handsome looks. He is an unparalleled genius who also has human flaws. He is old-fashioned, dogmatic and emotionless. He is eccentric to a fault. He has a close friendship with Hwon who he mentored and later, when Hwon becomes the king, he becomes his loyal subject. After his sister Yeon-woo dies, he is ridden with guilt for introducing Yeon-woo to Hwon, because he thinks this led to her death.

Reaching for what is unattainable – Yoon Bo-gyeong (Actress Kim Min-seo)
Hwon’s queen consort. Daughter of Yoon Dae-hyun. With a ladylike demeanor, she has a nice and warm personality on the surface. Most people in the palace are on her side. Despite the fact that Hwon showed no affection towards her when she was pregnant with their first-born, she harbors no ill feelings towards him. She merely smiles in front of King Hwon without displaying a hint of any hurt feelings. This is the image that she has carefully and painstakingly cultivated. As she is a crafty person who pulls all the strings behind the scenes, consolidating her power by influencing the royal court, winning over the king’s allies, and basking in the adoration of those who serve her. When Yeon-woo dies, her wish to become Hwon’s consort comes true. All along she thought Lady Luck was on her side. That is, until Weol appeares...

source :
DramaWiki -The Moon That Embraces the Sun
Hancinema - The Sun and the Moon

My comment :
Cerita :
Fiksi dengan latar jaman kerajaan.  Jadi banyak intrik-intrik perebutan kekuasaan, kudeta, dan sarat dengan KKN (Korupsi - Kolusi - Nepotisme).  Kalau tidak suka dg intrik-intrik ini, boleh di FF.  Satu hal lagi yg bikin saya kurang sreg adalah banyak ilmu hitam dan perdukunan.  Memang tak bisa dipungkiri yg namanya kerajaan jaman dulu tidak lepas dari sihir, mantra, guna-guna, santet, paranormal dsb.  Kalau tidak suka, boleh di FF20X he he he ...  Untuk romance-nya OK banget nih serial, walaupun gaya romance-nya sopan dan tidak menggebu seperti drama modern. Overall, hanya fiksi bukan drama sejarah, jadi nontonnya gak usah serius-serius lah. Enjoy aja.  Saya nonton drama ini lancar aja ... pakai jurus FF utk intrik kerajaan dan sihir2.

Pemeran :
Waktu pertama kali nonton Kim So Hyun di Dream High 1 sebagai Sam Dong, saya biasa saja lho. Tapi Kim So Hyun di Sun Moon ini sebagai Raja Lew Hwon keren banget.  Enak nontonnya, pintar, berwibawa, tp lucu dan manusiawi, jadi raja yg asik.  Chemistry dg Han Ga In bagus.  Terus yg juga OK adalah Jung Il Woo, seperti biasa, karakternya yg ceria, periang dan lucu.  Sayang perannya sebagai second lead, jd yg ngefans sama Jung Il Woo banyak kecewa lah secara porsinya tidak sebanyak Kim So Hyun.  Aktor dan aktris remaja juga keren-keren.

Ending : Happy
Rating : 7/10


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Photography : Paning

Paning alias memotret object bergerak dengan latar buram, sepertinya salah satu teknik wajib yg harus dicoba.

Lokasi di depan kompleks, pagi hari, saat tukang-tukang jualan ngumpul dikerubutin ibu-ibu tetangga yg belanja.

Percobaan pertama, gagal.
Percobaan kedua berhasil .... oh senangnya ....
Percobaan ketiga, keempat, kelima dst ... gagal semua, sampai capek.
Sampai diketawain tukang balon, tukang sayur, tukang ojek ... 

Inilah "second attempt" yg berhasil
Anak SMU yg naik motor pakai helm.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Photography : Seindah Warna Aslinya

Memotret bunga agar seindah warna aslinya ternyata tidak mudah lho ...

Kamboja Putih / Plumeria

Ruella Malacosperma

Catharantus Roseus / Vinca Rosea


Friday, April 13, 2012

Photography : Macro Bunga

Ada 3 macam bunga yg difoto.  Latarnya kain beludru, ada yg hitam (netral utk segala suasana), hijau, dan merah.


Pink Rose


Saturday, April 07, 2012

Photography : Garis Bidang Warna Pola

Memotret Garis,  Bidang, Warna, dan Pola yg ada di sekitar kita dalam waktu 10 menit.
Seru juga ...

Motret Android ...

Motret mobil parkir ...

Motoyuk Basic Photography
Lokasi : Coffee Tree Cafe, Mall of Indonesia, Kelapa Gading
13 Nov 2011


Friday, April 06, 2012

Film : K-Drama - Me Too, Flower

  • Title: 나도, 꽃! / Na-do, Kkot!
  • Also known as: I'm A Flower, Too
  • Genre: Romantic comedy
  • Episodes: 15
  • Broadcast network: MBC
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Nov-09 to 2011-Dec-28 


Cast :

Synopsis :
A tough female police officer who suffers from depression falls in love with a young multimillionaire whom she initially believed was a parking attendant. Instead of counting her lucking stars, she is taken aback by how rich he is. Officer Cha Bong-sun is a peculiar woman who defies the rigid social hierarchy and rails against it. And Seo Jae-hee, the millionaire boyfriend, is a peculiar man who falls in love with this quirky police officer. They fall passionately in love with each other. A crazy sort of love. A story about people, relationships and love.

Cha Bong-sun (Actress Lee Ji-ah)
She is a pretty, petite police officer who has a fiery personality. She has no friends and invokes a strong negative emotion among her fellow policemen. But she suffers from depression, which is what makes her so difficult to get along with. She has trouble keeping a relationship and hardly has any friends because she rubs people the wrong way. But underneath her abrasive personality, she has a tender heart. After encountering Seo Jae-hee, she starts developing feelings for him. Will they be able to have a romantic relationship?

Seo Jae-hee (Actor Yoon Si-yoon)
He is pursued by three women who love him. But he is a free spirit and also an undercover boss. When his parents died when he was just 13, he had to grow up quick. He soon began delivering papers, working at restaurants and holding down a factory job. One day, he meets Park Hwa-young and they start a clothing brand together which they named “Perche.” But he commits a mistake that causes the death of Park’s husband. He is ridden with guilt towards Park because of what he did. But he falls in love with Bong-sun, which leads to a love triangle.

Park Hwa-young (Actress Han Go-eun)
She has a towering ambition and is predisposed to being jealous. She is the CEO of “Perche.” She is a sharp businesswoman who is comfortable with taking big risks. After majoring in fashion in college, she started a small clothing brand with the help of her wealthy father. She encounters Jae-hee when starting her business. Jae-hee impresses her with his drive to succeed as he pushes for international distribution deals to expand overseas. In the meantime, Hwa-young is in charge of everyday business operations. During this period, her husband is killed because of a mistake committed by Jae-hee. So she becomes a widow and single mom overnight. Despite what Jae-hee did, she falls in love with him because he is passionate and very talented.

Park Tae-hwa (Actor Jo Min-ki)
Sometimes he acts his age and sometimes he doesn’t. He is a very peculiar character. His father is Hwa-young’s uncle. Having a wealthy father who owns prime real estate in Gangnam, wealthy area in Seoul, he carries on many relationships with women. He is calculating but warmhearted. He is a logical man who knows the power of being irrational. Although he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he empathizes with poor folks. When he is in a relationship with a woman, he treats her with utmost respect in a gentleman-like way. But he becomes the target of Kim Dal who is a very manipulative charmer.

Kim Dal (Actress Seo Hyo-lim)
Having been raised in the countryside, she always wanted to live in the city and finally got her chance when she gained admittance to a college. After realizing that young men in the city care a lot about the background of a girl before deciding to date them, she decides to lie and tell everyone she studies at a graduate school of fashion design. She dreams of marrying the scion of a wealthy family. She is very talented in winning over men. But will she succeed in nabbing a scion of a wealthy chaebol family?

source :
Hancinema - Me Too Flower
DramaWiki - Me Too, Flower!

My comment :
Cerita :
Ide cerita dan jalan ceritanya lumayan enak ditonton.  Ada isinya, bukan sekedar parade cowo ganteng atau cewe cantik.  Cerita berawal dari Polwan Cha Bong Sun yg sulit mengendalikan emosi hingga harus konsultasi ke psikolog sebagai persyaratan untuk naik jabatan.  Seraya cerita bergulir kita jadi paham mengapa Bong Sun memiliki sifat seperti itu.  Demikian pula Jae Hee seorang milyuner pemilik butik Perche yg menyamar jadi tukang parkir valet.  Belakangan kita tahu mengapa dia memiliki phobia social sehingga lebih suka jadi tokoh di belakang layar.

Ada pelajaran bagus di akhir cerita.  Waktu Bong Sun curhat pada Jae Hee mengapa Ayah Bong Sun yg juga jadi polisi tidak pernah melakukan sesuatu yg baik malah kasar dan jahat pada Bong Sun, Jae Hee menjawab dengan bijak.  Seorang bapak akan baik terhadap  anak dan istrinya, karena pernah merasakan kebaikan dan cinta kasih dari bapaknya, dan bapaknya dari kakeknya.  Sedangkan seorang bapak yg kasar, keras, dan terkesan jahat tidak selalu berarti dia tidak menyayangi anaknya, tapi mungkin dia tidak tahu caranya menyatakan kasih sayang karena dia tidak pernah merasakan itu dari bapaknya.  Mungkin kakeknya juga begitu terhadap bapaknya, mendidik dengan kekerasan bukan dengan kasih sayang.  Risih kalau bersayang-sayangan.  Cerita kali ini berpihak pada bapak.  Cocok diputar untuk menyambut hari Bapak he he he ....

Pemain :
Yoon Shi Yoon yg sukses dalam serial Baker King, di film ini jadi designer tas.  Menurut saya, agak kaku.  Lee Ji Ah cocok jadi polisi, aktingnya masih wajar dan tidak nyebelin.  Yg paling OK adalah Han Go Eun.  Akting bagus, anggun, cool, dan keren penampilannya.  Boleh contek baju, asesoris dan dandanannya. 

Ada personil Beast, Lee Ki Kwang yg jadi polisi Joo Ma Ru, junior sekaligus partner tugas Cha Bong Sun.  Juga merangkap peran sebagai singer Pink Chicken.  Lucu juga nih.

Ending : Happy
Rating : 8/10


Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Flora : Pasiflora Vitifolia

Bunga ini bentuknya unik, seperti seorang raja yg memakai mahkota.  Masih satu keluarga dengan markisa.  Bunga markisa berwarna ungu, sedangkan yg ini merah cerah.  Both are pretty, aren't they ?


Monday, April 02, 2012

Film : K-Drama - Flower Boy Ramyun Shop

  • Title: 꽃미남 라면가게 / Kkotminam Ramyeongage
  • Also known as: Flower Boy Ramen Shop
  • Genre: Romance, comedy
  • Episodes: 16
  • Broadcast network: tvN
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-31 to 2011-Dec-20 

 Cast :
Synopsis :
Yang Eun Bi is a college student preparing for her civil service exam with the dream of being a high school teacher. She accidentally encounters Cha Chi Soo, the arrogant son of the biggest food conglomerate in Korea. Both of them end up working at a ramyun shop run by the lazy Choi Kang Hyuk.

This romantic comedy deals with "pretty boys," who with good looks and individuality, operate a ramen shop with lively college girls and experience the happenings of life.

source :
DramaWiki - Flower Boy Ramyun Shop
Hancinema - Flower Boy Ramyun Shop

My comment :

Cerita :
Komedi romantis tentang anak SMU, Cha Chi Soo, yg naksir Ibu Guru Training, Yang Eun Bi.  Muridnya extremely ganteng, sedangkan ibu gurunya biasa saja.  Herannya bisa naksir berat he he he ... dasar cerita ABG.  Tentu saja cinta segitiga dengan munculnya Choi Kang Hyuk.  Choi Kang Hyuk mendapat warisan kedai ramyun dari ayah Yang Eun Bi.  Awalnya Yang Eun Bi tidak bisa menerima fakta bahwa ayahnya mewariskan kedai ramyun bukan untuknya malah untuk Kang Hyuk,  Belakangan dia dapat mengerti.  Kang Hyuk merenovasi kedai ramyun dan mengganti nama kedai itu menjadi Flower Boy Ramyun Shop.  Ada 4 flower boy yg bekerja di kedai itu, Kang Hyuk, Chi Soo, Ba Wool, dan Hyun Woo, plus 1 cewe yaitu Eun Bi.  Lucu asli.  Siapa yg berhasil mendapatkan cinta Eun Bi?  Sang koki terkenal, Kang Hyuk, atau tukang jaga counter lobak kuning, Chi Soo ?

Ceritanya ringan dan seru ditonton karena menghibur mata.  Bertaburan cowo ganteng yg muda dan bening,  Ada Jung Il Woo dan Lee Ki Woo.  Hanya 16 episode, per episode kurang dari 40 menit.  Ceritanya ringan dan pendek.  Saya lancar sekali menontonnya, 3 hari selesai ...

Recommended untuk yg suka cerita ABG.

Casting : Akting sih standard saja, tapi memang cowo-cowo itu ganteng abis.  Apalagi Jung Il Woo ... sudah ganteng, lucu pula.

Rating : 7/10


Sunday, April 01, 2012

Flora : Pretty Iris

Sekilas, bunga ini mirip anggrek.  Tapi ternyata kedua bunga ini masih satu keluarga, yaitu keluarga Iris. Perhatikan jumlahnya semua serba tiga dan bertumpuk-tumpuk.   Bentuknya juga unik ya ... seperti lidah yg menjulur. 

Betapa indah ciptaan Allah Yehuwa.
