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Monday, October 03, 2011

Travel : Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall

Day 5 : August 31, 2011
Huangshan to Nanjing

Setelah sarapan pagi, kita meninggalkan kota Huangshan yg bergunung-gunung, menuju kota sejarah, Nanjing.  Perjalanan ditempuh dalam 3 jam.  Pemandangan di kanan dan di kiri jalan sungguh indah, masih berkabut dan sedikit mendung.

Karena berbukit, jadi banyak terowongan yg kita lalui.


Nanjing, located in the Yangtze River Delta, is the Capital of Jiangsu Province.  Nanjing or Nanking meaning Southern Capital, is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China (Beijing, Nanjing, Luoyang, Chang'an / Xi'an). It was the capital of Sun Qian's Wu during the Three Kingdoms Period and the capital of the Republic of China prior to its flight to Taiwan during the Chinese Civil War.

Nanjing has long been a national center of education as it has hundreds of universities, academies, institutes, and colleges.  Some tourist destinations are Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall/Museum, Sun Yat Sen Mausoleum, Yangtze River Bridge, etc.

The signature cuisine of Nanjing is Nanjing Salted Duck (cold dish).  Nanjing is also famous for its natural jade, the old and green jade, and inner glass paintings.

Nanjing Massacre Museum

Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall / Museum was built in 1985 by the Nanjing Municipal Government in memory of the 300,000 victims who lost their lives during the Nanjing Massacre by the invasion of Japanese army on December 13, 1937.  During 6-8 weeks about 300.000 victims who were civilians and unarmed soldiers were brutally slaughtered.  At that time, the capital was moved to Chong Qing, and most of soldiers had already left Nanjing.  However, the Japanese declared that the massacre never happened.  It was war and all the victims were soldiers.

 In 1995, the Memorial Hall was enlarged and renovated. The memorial exhibits historical records and objects, and uses architecture, sculptures, and videos to illustrate what happened during the Nanjing Massacre. It occupies a total area of approximately 28000 square meters, including about 3000 square meters of building floor space.

The memorial consists of three major parts: outdoor exhibits, sheltered skeletal remains of victims, and an exhibition hall of historical documents.

We are not allowed to take picture inside the hall.  All pictures are taken outside the hall.

Maggy, our local tour guide, told us that all students in Nanjing must visit this Memorial Hall and watch the film about Nanjing Massacre. Sama seperti kita di Indonesia, sejak SD sampai SMU wajib nonton film G30S PKI dan wajib study tour ke Makam Pahlawan Kalibata dan Lubang Buaya.


Makan siang kita kali ini agak mendingan sedikit, walaupun tidak bisa dibilang cocok di lidah kita. Masakannya agak pedas-pedas.  Beberapa makanan yg lumayan enak adalah :

Telur tim, seperti chawan musi masakan Jepang.  Enak nih ...

 Ini tahu digoreng lalu diberi taburan rumput laut yg rasanya manis asin garing gurih renyah.

Nah, ini Bebek Nanking yg terkenal itu.  Saya gak suka sama masakan ini, dingin, dan agak hambar-hambar, walaupun nama bekennya, Nanjing Salted Duck.

Sebetulnya makanannya masih banyak macamnya, kurang lebih 10 jenis.  Tapi yg selebihnya biasa aja.

Waktu di bus, salah seorang dari kita membeli biji bunga teratai, enak loh ternyata, garing dan rasanya gurih dan agak manis sedikit. 

Keluarkan dari cangkang bunga, lalu dikupas kulitnya, belah bijinya dan buang bakal tunas yg warna hijau muda krn kalau termakan rasanya pahit sekali.

Kunjungan selanjutnya adalah Mausoleum Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

to be continued


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